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About webref.org:
Physical Sciences Social Sciences Acoustics - a glossary of over 980 terms related to acoustics. Chemistry - a glossary of nearly 1400 terms related to chemistry. Electronics - a glossary of over 300 (More)

Physical Sciences Social Sciences Acoustics - a glossary of over 980 terms related to acoustics. Chemistry - a glossary of nearly 1400 terms related to chemistry. Electronics - a glossary of over 300 terms related to electronics. Environment - a glossary of nearly 1900 terms related to the environment (from EPA). Geology - a glossary of over 28, 800 terms related to geology, mining, and minerology. Anthropology - a glossary of over 1700 terms related to anthropology. Archaeology - a glossary of nearly 1200 terms related to archaeology. Political Science - a glossary of several hundred terms related to political science, primarily US at the moment. Psychology - a glossary of nearly 2100 terms related to psychology. Sociology - a glossary of over 800 terms related to sociology. Biological Sciences Aesthetic Arts Agriculture - a collection of over 1900 terms related to agriculture. Biology - a collection of over 1500 terms related to biology. Biotechnology - a collection of nearly 800 terms related to biotechnology. Cancer - a collection of over 3500 terms related to cancer and oncology. Invertebrates - a collection of nearly 900 terms related to invertebrates. Plants - a collection of terms related to plants. Architecture - a small glossary of 66 terms related to architecture. Dance - a glossary of over 400 terms related to dance. Fine Art - a small glossary of 43 terms related to fine art. Biographical Information Composers - a small collection of biographies of notable composers. Scientists - a small collection of biographies of notable people of science. (More)

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