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About daghewardmills.org:
He is a Healing Evangelist and a prolific author, with over 40million books in print. He is a Mega church pastor with over 4,000 branches spread across 94 countries. Dag Heward-Mills is also a speaker (More)

Dag Heward-Mills, Healing Jesus Crusade, Lighthouse Chapel International, Loyalty and Disloyalty, Books, Camps, Divine Healing, Miracles, deliverance from drug addiction, Sound doctrines and teachings, bible-based, bible believing church, Lighthouse denomination, Christian churches, world-wide network of churches, bible schools, schools, pastors, ordinations, consecration of bishops, the work of God, the work of the ministry, church work, volunteering in the church, short term missionary, missions, pastoral training, youth ministry, SAVED, Life, heaven, hell, evangelism, soul winning, born again charismatic church pentecostal church, sermons, eternal life, leadership materials, church buildings, hope, faith, love, joy, Evangelistic crusades in Africa, searching for God, God, lay ministry, full-time ministry, speaking in tongues, Holy ghost baptism, Church projects, prayer, becoming a pastor, success in ministry, success, branches of churches, pastoral ministry, the anointing, leadership, maximised sunday usage, Jesus Cathedral, Qodesh, Korle Gonno LCI, Church at the Korle-bu Canteen, Adelaide Heward-Mills, Daughter You Can Make It, Christian Orphanage in Ghana, Primary schools in Accra, Schools for the blind, schools for the deaf, schools for the underprivileged, medical missions, pastors conferences, ABMTC, Anagkazo Bible Schools, Anagkazo bible school of London, Good bible schools, searching for a church, christian e-books, christian e-store, Christian digital products, Looking for a church, Machaneh, Church projects in Africa (More)

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